
My wife loves flowers and around our yard we have several varieties of hardy roses – ones that can stand the cold of our winter and the wind and salt spray! Yesterday, we drove up to Annapolis Royal on a trip we do regularly – to see the 285 cultivars of roses in the Annapolis Royal Historic Gardens.
The image this week is of one of the showiest and most subtle of the bunch – but the whole rose garden is in magnificent bloom right now. A most amazing part of the almost 20 acre site is the hundreds of species of plants and nice descriptions of the history of both the plants and the area. The Acadians knew a good spot when they saw it, and the Gardens preserve the history of the first European settlers in Canada and the plants they depended on. The Garden also shows off native Nova Scotian plants and wonderful examples of a wide variety of flowers, shrubs and trees.
If you’re looking for something to do on Canada Day – there it is. Take in the historic and fragrant (and beautiful) site that is the Annapolis Royal Historic Gardens.