Cape St. Mary
Cape St. Mary
Cape St. Mary is a small community just up the road from us here in Port Maitland. Norma, Sam and I were out for a little drive and so we swung down the road toward the shore as we drove up Highway 1 toward Meteghan.
Settled in 1804 by Acadian fishing families, the port now is home to a multi-million dollar fishing effort. As a kid, I loved going to what is now the Mavillette Beach Park, where we swam and camped out - staying overnight in the dunes. We know better than that now, and the Park protects the fragile dunes and grasses.
Cape St. Mary is one of those lovely small side trips, just off Highway 1, and yet a place many just drive pasy using Highway 101 to race up from Yarmouth to points further north.
On this day, the waves, birds and the lighthouse were all well worth the detour.

Blog Feb 4