Acadia Axemen Football - September 1974

The image this week is my first paid photograph, taken in 1974
The photo was taken in Wolfville and it was published in a couple of newspapers; I got paid a small sum to allow each to publish the picture. This print is from the Athenaeum, the student newspaper for Acadia University, which the next year I would go on to become editor of. Realizing I could make money from selling some of my images was a bonus to what I hoped might turn into a career in journalism, but of course that changed after I took a degree in Education.
Still, I used photography to teach, taught students’ photography and its use as an illustrative medium and taught teachers to use technology including cameras, and the very first digital cameras as well. In retirement my photography has taken me full circle and I’ve won the National Communication award for Canada twice, and my images have been used by newspapers, websites and other media outlets around the globe.
All quite amazing to a kid from the Annapolis Valley!
I now look forward to whatever other adventure photography can bring me as I continue my passion of capturing moments in time for people to look at, and think about.
So, Bill Curry Photography is 50 – Stand Up and Cheer!