Northern Lights over Port Maitland, August 12, 2024

It's time for the annual look back at the end of the year and the Picture of the Year post – the POTY.
Again this year the choosing is hard because I got some images I really liked, but the one that was the most unusual for me anyway was on the night of August 12, 2024.
I went outside around 3 am intending to perhaps see some of the meteor shower, and upon going out the front door, thought I must have left the barn light on because there was a glow in the sky on the north side of the house. Rounding the corner, I was awestruck as the most brilliant display of Northern Lights I've ever seen were in full glory. I quickly went back inside and woke up Norma to come see the spectacle.
While the camera does make the aurora a bit brighter, we could plainly see even with just our naked eyes the sheets of orange, red and yellow with a tinge of green. The camera, with a 10 second or so exposure, brings out the detail even stronger. We both stood there for probably a half hour and simply marvelled at nature and the wonderful display of colour we were fortunate enough to witness.
The dark skies of our area, a night sky conservation area, certainly helped our viewing, but there were reports from around the Province and even further afield of the display.
As we approach 2025, I'm looking forward to many more photo opportunities, and I know that it is events like this that will keep me inspired, carrying a camera and looking up!
Speaking of 2025, I'll be posting my first blog entry on Friday, January 3rd as usual, but stay tuned for a rather interesting project that I will post beginning on January 1st on my Facebook page. If you haven't already, why not Follow me there at:

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