Tree Sparrow in the Cold
I thought about calling this an article about the Brrr-ird feeder, because the weather the last few days, as in much of North America this week, has been frigid.
With a daytime high of minus 7 or so each day for the last 5 days, it's been cold enough that our poor little birds have been very busy at the feeders, so once again the image this week is of a bird near our feeding stations.
The birds certainly enjoy the handouts and it is fun to watch them, but the cold weather and little snow cover is going to play havoc with plants, I'm afraid.
Of course, we're used to this weather as typically our January lows are in the minus teens, but this particular cold snap has gone through to the Gulf Coast and friends in Georgia and Florida have been posting photos of snow, actual accumulating snow, even as far south as northern Florida!
It's climate change of course, and the explanation is there about polar changes, but many still simply don't "get" it - our Premier just yesterday mumbled about taking some environmental protections off place like George's Bank and having offshore oil drilling expand. You'd think the politicians would see the writing on the wall, but too often they look at the next 4 or 5 years and not the 20 or 50 down the road that their decisions will negatively impact.
For now, though, I'll just keep doing what we can individually, and hope that sanity prevails.