A Woodland Pond and Lupins

Woodland Ponds and Lupins
"The lupine is now in its glory..." Henry David Thoreau
Cousin HDT went on to describe fields of lupines and the masses that carpet the countryside at this time of year, but my favourite place to see these wonderful flowers is along the side of a dirt road or old cart path growing along either farmer's fields or along the side of forest woodlands.
These pretty pink lupins were found in Yarmouth County this week, along just such an old dirt road that parallels a small pond in the woods. The added colour of these flowers along the side of such a pretty little piece of water is such a joy to witness, and it only lasts a brief time.
Yes, you can see vast fields of lupins along the big highways, but for me the more remote locations are a prettier spot to find them. Besides, there might also be a trout nearby!