Black River, Weathersfield, Vermont
Fall Foliage
Every year in our part of the globe, the onset of fall works its magic on the trees. The colours some years are bright and vibrant, and in other years soft and muted. In some years the leaves stay on the trees a long time and we enjoy the view for weeks, in other years, autumn windstorms strip the leaves before they reach full colour. This fall, the colour has been marvellous, and its stayed on the trees until a storm yesterday!
This year, my wife and Finn and I drove to New England to visit family, and happily the trip was timed perfectly for the fall “leaf peeping”. The first few days, while we visited my parents in southern new Hampshire, the colours were muted and soft as it rained and was overcast, but the day before we left my sister’s home in Perkinsville, Vermont the weather gods relented and it was sunny, bright and glorious!
Driving back home to Nova Scotia we drove through the Green Mountains of Vermont and then the White Mountains of New Hampshire until we got to the coast of Maine. For most of the day there was bright sunshine, and the foliage was at its peak. The image today is the first of seven I’ll publish this week on my Facebook page. We’ll try a little experiment and see if anyone wishes to purchase any of these images online, something I don’t normally do, but I think these images may be something folks wish to have for themselves. So, keep an eye on my Facebook feed and see the images I made of the New England foliage. After all, it only happens once a year, and this year it was spectacular!