Bob with a Middle River Seatrout

Brotherly Fishing
In my book Tight Lines, I describe the beginnings of my flyfishing passion, which was a trip with my Dad and my brother Bob with a Guide in Yarmouth County.
This year, Bob and I planned well in advance, and booked rooms in Baddeck for early July to see if the seatrout would play with Bob as they have for me for the last 49 years. We just got to Baddeck last night, and sure enough - some lovely seatrout came to play. We caught a dozen or so nice fish apiece, and they are all swimming nicely bacxk in Middle River.
We've got a couple more days here, so we'll see what we can find, along with playing tourist with Norma and Susie and Sam, but it was a great start to a long anticipated trip!
I think of Norma's Dad every time I come here, but to be able to fish for trout in the splendour of Cape Breton's beauty is something I cherish and look forward to each year - and especially this year when I can share this with Bob.