Meat Cove

Meat Cove
In the far northern end of Cape Breton Island, at the far northern end of Nova Scotia, lies the little village of Meat Cove. A traditional fishing village, the place is now also a bit of a tourist draw as just about the furthest place north in Nova Scotia one can go by vehicle. There is a campground, a lovely gravel beach and a couple of spots to eat, making the place an interesting stop while doing the Cabot Trail – as Meat Cove is well off the “normal” Cabot Trail route.
Little villages like this, though, are the true Nova Scotia. Folks who come here and see Halifax from the deck of a cruise ship, and perhaps take a tour to Peggy’s Cove, thinking they have “seen NS” have missed the really interesting heart of the Province –the more rural areas, and the people who live there. I live in one such spot, for Port Maitland is also a small fishing village near Yarmouth ast the extreme other end of the peninsula, and there are hundreds of other such spots along the entire 7500 km coastline. Add to that the farming communities in the valley and in the central portion of the Province near Truro, and you’d have a whole other rural area to explore.
All this to say, it was fun visiting Meat Cove last week, and it re-ignited in Norma and me a desire to do some more “around home” travelling. This is such a beautiful part of Canada, and we are so very blessed to call the Province our home.