Humpback Whale Beginning a Dive

Whale Watching
This past week I went with some of our extended family to Brier Island to go whale watching. Always an exciting thing to do, as you never know quite what you’re going to get to see, we boarded the boat run by Mariner Cruises Whale and Seabird Tours on a perfect day – flat calm seas and very little wind.
The thing about good whale watching tours is that you are in the whale’s home area, and so you are very much the visitor, and simply witnessing what the whales are up to on any given day. On this day we saw a number of whales, mainly humpbacks, and two were mother and calf pairs. The whales swam right alongside the boat, in fact went under us at one point, and I got the image this week as the mother started a deeper dive and flicked her tail up to go down.
Grandson Theo had a great time, as we all did, and his interest in marine lifeforms is keen, so for him to be able to see some of these gentle giants was very special. The crew was amazing as they narrated the happenings, and gave out lots of information, and the owner was even on-board and a very nice lady to chat with.
All in all, a most memorable trip, and something I would highly recommend to people interested in seeing whales in their natural habitat. Humpbacks are highly vulnerable to climate change, so it is a fortunate thing for us to be able to see them now in their home water. It may not always be the case if we don’t soon address the issue!