Field Flowers

As I write this Hurricane Lee is coming right at us, hitting our area of Nova Scotia directly tonight or early tomorrow morning.
Norma and I have taken the precautions necessary, all the furniture on the patio is stored, garden stuff is put away and so on. Unlike distant cousin Thoreau, I think I'll probably not "wander in the storm" and rather wait until it's gone by to see what happens.
The beautiful field of wildflowers we have in our north field will be gone, flowers blowing in the wind, I'm sure. Lee approaches and we wait for the event, but I can't help but think about the wildlife that will also be impacted. Our dog Sam already knows something's up, and so the animals living outside must know even more so.
Now is probably not the time to bemoan the lack of action on climate change and how storms are larger and so on, but perhaps it's something to chat about afterward.
For now, let's all just hope everyone stays safe, away from the shore and confortable in our homes. We can be like another Thoreau reflection -
Thoreau was soothed by the "ceaseless roar and pelting" of the rain, and he was able to take the time to allow his thoughts "to take root and unfold themselves." He sat within his little home and "thoroughly enjoyed its protection."
May we all feel that way over the weekend.