Bill Curry Photography Gallery

One of the things you learn quite quickly when becoming a fine art photographer is that it’s all about connection between you the artist and people who would be clients. The personal vision of the artist is put forth, but it’s up to the viewer to bring their own experience to the image, and to then find that something that makes them want to own it.
My work is in several Galleries across Nova Scotia, most notably Teichert Gallery in Halifax at the Art Gallery of Nova Scotia and at the Waterfront Gallery in Yarmouth, NS, but it is my own Gallery where I love to have folks come in and look around that I feel the most “at home”. The Gallery is combined with my studio, so people can see the process of print making if they wish, and of course they also get to chat with me about the images I have displayed.
This weekend, I’m at my Gallery and Studio for our annual Port Maitland shopping event, where several of our small businesses in the area open and have specials going on this weekend. I’ll have cider and cookies, others will have their own treats, and it’s all just a great time for people to “shop local”. A great time for folks to get a jump on holiday shopping, but also just a lot of fun to get to chat with customers.
It’s something I look forward to – and I love to meet people who enjoy photography. As they say – Come on Down!